7 Aprile, Lars-Eric Heimbürger terrà il seminario “Mercury in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - results of the 2014 GEOTRACES GEOVIDE & 2015 GEOTRACES TransArc II cruises”

Il 7 aprile alle ore 10:30 presso la Sala Riunioni di Via Beirut 2/4 – OGS, Miramare, -Eric Heimbürger - Department Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (Marseille) - terrà il seminario Mercury in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - results of the 2014 GEOTRACES GEOVIDE & 2015 GEOTRACES TransArc II cruises

Link: http://nettuno.ogs.trieste.it/jungo/caffe_scientifico